10 Suitable Fishes for a 10-Gallon Tank: The Perfect Picks

Are you also looking for suitable fishes for a 10-gallon tank? Or are you stuck in a thought that which types of fish can flourish in confined spaces while presenting a captivating underwater environment? Well, then your answer lies within our all-inclusive guide!

Undoubtedly, setting up a 10-Gallon tank is no small feat but the joy of establishing a flourishing water habitat within this small area is truly impressive. As a result, in this brief write-up, we are going to share some best fishes for your tank along with professional tips to assist you in making better choices for your aquarium.

Furthermore, we will touch upon key factors such as tank size and fish suitability along with adequate water conditions and the specific needs of aquatic creatures. So, let’s dive in and create an enchanting aquatic habitat for your 10-gallon tank!

Factors to Consider When Choosing Fish for a 10-Gallon Tank

When choosing the appropriate fish kind for your 10-gallon aquarium, it’s crucial to consider the following factors for your underwater friends.  The tank size, compatibility between species, suitable water conditions, and the personality of the fish, are the elements that shape a healthy aquatic environment. Have a look!

Tank Size and Compatibility: Make sure the fishes you choose for your 10-gallon aquarium are appropriate, and try to avoid crowding. For an ideal tank environment, choose the species with similar personality types and environmental requirements.

Water Parameters and Fish Requirements: Maintain the proper water conditions for each species of fish, taking into account things like the pH level, temperature, and oxygenated air requirements. Also, for an optimum aquatic atmosphere and good health of your fish, install suitable filters.

Behavior and Temperament: To enhance the unity between fishes, examine the behavioral patterns and temperament of different fish species.

Suitable Fishes For A 10-Gallon Tank

Given that you have chosen an ideal 10-gallon aquarium, it’s time for us to enlighten you with the best suitable fishes for a 10-gallon tank. From Betta fish to White Cloud Mountain Minnows, we have got it all covered!

1. Betta fish (Siamese fighting fish)Betta fish (Siamese fighting fish)

For 10-gallon tanks, betta fish, known for their vivid colors and flowy wings, are a common choice. Due to their vicious nature towards other fish, it is best to keep them alone. These labyrinth fish can inhale air through the water’s surface, which helps them endure environments with low oxygen levels. Betta fish prefer having lots of hiding places and resting areas close to the water’s surface and need warm water temperatures.

Size 3 inches
Temperament Aggressive
Water Temperature 24-28°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank 1

2. Dwarf GouramiDwarf Gourami

Small and calm dwarf gouramis add a splash of color to a 10-gallon container. They feature striking patterns and come in a variety of bright colors. These labyrinth fishes are suitable for beginning hobbyists because they are resilient and relatively simple to take care of. In tanks with lush greenery and a gentle water flow, dwarf gouramis thrive and enjoy exploring all the hidden spaces.

Size 3 inches
Temperament Peaceful/male aggressive
Water Temperature 22-28°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank 1 or in pair

3. Endler’s livebearerEndler's livebearer

Small, active fish called Endler’s livebearers are related to guppies. They are well-known for their lively swimming style. These fish give birth to live new young fishes because they are livebearers, which mean they don’t lay eggs. They can be kept in tiny groups and are typically calm. Endler’s livebearers favor well-kept aquatic environments with lots of space for swimming and greenery.

Size 1.5 inch
Temperament Peaceful
Water Temperature 22-28°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank 4-6

4. Pygmy CorydorasPygmy Corydoras

Pygmy Corydoras are a cute and small species of catfish that do well in 10-gallon tanks. They frequently can be seen shoaling together and are calm and friendly. These fish that live at the bottom of the tank contribute to tank cleanliness by collecting trash and leftover food. In tanks that are kept up, with soft bases and lots of hiding places like caves or plants, pygmy corydoras survive.

Size 1 inch
Temperament Peaceful
Water Temperature and pH 22-26°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank 6-8

5. Neon tetraNeon tetra

Small schooling fish called neon tetras are distinguished by their striking neon blue and red striped patterns. They fill a 10-gallon tank with colorful hues and lively movement. Since they feel safer and behave best in schools, these calm fish like to be raised in groups of a minimum of six or more. Neon tetras thrive in clean tanks with lots of floating space, gentle water currents, and low lighting.

Size 1.5 inches
Temperament Peaceful
Water Temperature 21-27°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank 6 or more

6. Cherry shrimpCherry shrimp

Popular freshwater invertebrates called cherry prawns give a 10-gallon tank a distinctive and fascinating touch. It is easy to identify these tiny prawns by their vivid red coloring and active scavenging habits. With small, non-aggressive fish, cherry prawns can coexist in a generally peaceful environment. They prosper in a planted reservoir with plenty of hiding spots and need clean water.

Size 1.5 inches
Temperament Peaceful
Water Temperature 18-27°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank  4-5

7. White Cloud Mountain minnowWhite Cloud Mountain minnow

Fish from China’s White Cloud Mountain range are diminutive and calm. They have a striking metallic physique with fins that are either red or orange. These fishes are can be the easy choice for beginners because they are quite resilient and can thrive in different water conditions.Active swimmers, White Cloud Mountain minnows appreciate open swimming areas and hiding spots.

Size 2 inches
Temperament Peaceful
Water Temperature 18-22°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank  6 or more

8. Sparkling GouramiSparkling Gourami

The small, calm fish known as sparkling gouramis, or pygmy gouramis, add an element of class to a 10-gallon tank. These fish have stunning iridescent hues and exhibit intriguing attraction. Sparkling Gouramis swim with grace and display an incredible spectrum of colors, living up to their name. They have bodies that resemble arrowheads and shining caudal fins that display an alluring combination of green, red, and blue tones. Their eyes seem to radiate an appealing shade of blue under certain lighting conditions.

Size 1.5 inches
Temperament Peaceful
Water Temperature 25-30°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank 1

9. Honey GouramiHoney Gourami

Small, calm fish called honey gouramis are renowned for their vivid colors and tranquil personalities. These labyrinth fish can add an extra dash of grace to a 10-gallon tank and are relatively simple to care for. Honey gouramis enjoy having a variety of places to conceal themselves along with plants in the tank and prefer calm, gently flowing water.

Size 3 inches
Temperament Peaceful
Water Temperature 22-28°C
No of fishes in 10-gallon tank 1

What Type of Fish Can’t Keep in a 10-Gallon Tank?

  • Common Goldfish: Considering their immense size and waste production, common goldfish need bigger tanks with additional water.

Common Goldfish

  • Oscar Fish: Huge and active cichlids known as “Oscar” fish require much bigger reservoirs to fit their floating demands.

Oscar Fish

  • Angelfish: Due to their ability to expand tall and wide, a 10-gallon tank is insufficient to accommodate their development and swimming habits.


  • Cichlids (aside from dwarf cichlids): Because many cichlid creatures are exclusive and violent, larger tanks are required to help them establish territories and curb enmity.

Cichlids (aside from dwarf cichlids)

  • Plecos (Common Plecos): Popular plecos can reach lengths of over a foot and generate a lot of waste, necessitating larger tanks with reliable filtration systems.

Plecos (Common Plecos)

How Many Fishes is Too Many in a 10-Gallon Tank?

It’s best to refrain from keeping too many fish in a 10-gallon tank to prevent overcrowding. The maximum number of fish that can be kept without it becoming overfished is determined by things like their size, level of activity, and waste production. If you want to sustain an optimal and harmonious environment, it is generally advised to keep a maximum of one or 2 small fish, such as guppies or tetras, or a single bigger one, such as a Betta or dwarf gourami. It is crucial to make sure the tank can accommodate the fish’s waste production and offer enough swimming space.

Care and Maintenance of a 10-Gallon Tank

  • Test and check the water’s parameters frequently to make sure the fish can thrive there.
  • To meet the fish’s dietary requirements, stick to a regular well-rounded feeding schedule.
  • Wash the tank regularly, making sure to change the water and maintain the filtering mechanism as needed.
  • To provide the fish with an appropriate setting, keep an eye on it and make necessary adjustments to the temperature and lighting.
  • For a cozy habitat, add enough plant decorations, and hiding spots.

Bursting Myths About 10-Gallon Aquarium

Myth 1: “You can keep unlimited fish species in a 10-gallon tank with a good filter system.”

Reality: Filling a 10-gallon tank to its fullest can result in bad water, aggression, and stress. The filtration system cannot make up for inadequate space and waste buildup on its own.

Myth 2: “Any kind of fish can be incorporated in a 10-gallon tank”

Reality: The truth is that not all species of fish get along. While some are aggressive, others have particular social expectations.

Myth 3: “A 10-gallon tank doesn’t need live aquarium plants.”

Reality: Live plants possess advantages like natural filtration, oxygen supply, and pleasing looks. They provide fish with an enjoyable atmosphere and aid in maintaining the standard of the water.

Myth 4: “It’s not necessary to cycle a 10-gallon aquarium before adding fish.”

Reality: Creating an atmosphere that is healthy and stable in a tank depends on properly cycling it. It enables good bacteria to digest poisonous compounds like ammonia compounds.

Wrap Up

As we have provided you with all the necessary information you need to know before establishing a 10-gallon tank, we hope that you have no more queries in your mind. Also, if you were thinking to add any fish species which you like but are not appropriate for a 10-gallon tank, please refrain from doing that! It might disturb the environment and which might lead to multiple issues.

So, opt for any friendly fishes mentioned above and enjoy watching them living harmoniously together!

Scott Evans

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