Discus Fish – Types and Interesting Facts With Infographic

Discus Fish, with their distinctively circular bodies and a delightful blend of blue, green, and brown tones, add lively sophistication to aquariums.

Although, most of the freshwater discus fish look quite similar, and rightly so, because they share the same origin, each of them has unique characteristics which differ them apart! These calm fish flourish in tranquil settings, reaching sizes of up to 12 inches, surpassing the typical range of 4 to 8 inches.

Thus, get ready to immerse yourself in the freshwater discus fish care, discus tank mates, temperature for discus, and what to feed discus fish!

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What is Discus Fish?Discus Fish

Did you know that the Discus fish, which belongs to the cichlid family, has a really cool round shape?

These amazing creatures come from the Amazon basin and can grow up to 6-10 inches (15-25 cm) in size. Because of their unique body structure, they look kind of flattened out.

People have been breeding them selectively for different colors and patterns, so there are lots of varieties now. While captive-bred freshwater discus fish are easier to keep in aquariums compared to wild ones, they still require special discus fish care.

Types of Freshwater Discus Fishes

Mild Patterned Discus Fish

  • Red Discus
    The Red Discus, also known as the Heckel Discus, is a type of cichlid that really catches your eye with its circular shape. It has noticeable markings on its body, eyes, and fins, and shows off bold red colors.
    Sometimes you’ll see white spots on their fins or head, and certain bred ones can have mixes of white, black, and light red shades. Red freshwater discus fish have a thick stripe running down the middle of their bodies followed by thinner bands that are not as clearly defined.Red Discus
  • Blue Discus
    The Blue freshwater discus fish is all about the captivating blues. It comes in a range of vibrant shades, sometimes with stylish white or black patterns mixed in.
    The majority of the hues are cobalt or royal blue, but you’ll also find lighter brown tones blended with blue or white. And for those who want to make a bold statement, there are even some striking blends of red and blue available.Blue Discus
  • Green Discus
    These fish have vibrant shades of green, with some having a mix of light blue and green tones. Other freshwater discus fish have a swampy color that seems to glow. Patterns in white and black can be seen, as well as combinations of yellow and green. One distinctive feature is the thick dark line that runs over their eyes and vertically down their bodies.Green Discus
  • Brown Discus
    The Brown Discus, a green-colored discus subspecies, exhibits a mixture of brown and green shades, with yellow and brown hues appearing on occasion. Unique characteristics of this freshwater discus fish include delicate pelvic fins and nearly transparent pectoral fins.Brown Discus

Discus Fish Care

Fish Size Ideal Temp Diet Tank Size pH Temperament
Red Discus 6-8 inches 82-88°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, can be shy
Blue Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F   Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, social
Green Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Usually peaceful, can be territorial
Brown Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, can be shy

Solid Colored Discus Fish

  • Albino Turquoise Discus
    Albino turquoise discus fish have a stunning, deep blue color reminiscent of the ocean. Their heads shine in vibrant shades of green and yellow, with beautiful red patterns decorating their bodies. These freshwater discus fish have a ring of red around their eyes only enhances the captivating allure of their striking blue hue.Albino Turquoise Discus
  • Mercury Discus
    Exhibiting a vivid light blue shade, Mercury freshwater discus fish display scales resembling the celestial! Their tails are transparent, while their eyes are strikingly red. Yellow accents on the head are a common feature.Mercury Discus
  • White Butterfly Discus
    White Butterfly discus has a beautiful shade of blueish white, and their eyes can be either red or orange. Their faces are marked with black lines, while the head and fin tips have hints of yellow. Amongst the patterned discus, they certainly stand out. Even though they may seem simple, their pure white color adds a touch of liveliness.White Butterfly Discus
  • Red Marlboro Discus
    Red Marlboro Discus has a body that changes into vibrant orange and yellow hues, a blue tail, and deep red fins. These freshwater discus fish have striking appearance accentuated by their red eyes and mustard-colored head. Moreover, like all other discus fish, the temperature for discus red Marlboro is also 82 to 86 F.

Discus Fish Care

Fish Size Ideal Temp Diet Tank Size pH Temperament
Albino turquoise Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, social
Mercury Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F   Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, social
White Butterfly Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, can be territorial
Red Marlboro Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, social

Notable Pattern Discus Fish

  • Checkerboard Red Map Discus
    The Checkerboard Red Map freshwater discus fish has a vibrant orange head with striking red eyes. Its tail is translucent white, creating a bold contrast. The body of the fish is adorned with distinct red and blue stripes that run from its head to its fins, excluding the tail. The water temperature for discus is 82 to 86 F while its pH lies around 6-7.Checkerboard Red Map Discus
  • Tiger Turkish Discus
    Tiger Turkish discus are highly sought-after in the world of aquariums due to their vibrant light blue color and reddish fins and tail.  Tiger freshwater discus fish has a unique pattern with a mixture of squiggles, dots, and lines that makes them stand out from the rest.Tiger Turkish Discus
  • Fine Line Snakeskin Discus
    The Fine Line Snakeskin discus has see-through tails and bright red eyes. Their bodies have a mix of white and blue undertones, while the head gradually changes to a vibrant orange color near the mouth. The patterns on freshwater discus fish skin are made up of little red spots and wavy lines.Fine Line Snakeskin Discus

    Discus Fish Care

Fish Size Ideal Temp Diet Tank Size pH Temperament
Checkerboard Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, social
Mercury Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F   Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful
Tiger Turkish Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, social
Fineline Discus 6-8 inches 82-86°F Omnivore 50-75 gallons 6-7 Peaceful, social

Discus Fish Infographic

Discus Fish

Scott Evans

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